Is there any famous Artwork and Artists to do with mythical creatures?

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For my A-level art project my theme is going to be Mythical Creatures. Can anyone help me with names of artwork and artists that had Mythical Creatures in there work.

asked Jul 23, 2013 in Artworks

1 Answer

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John Henry Fuseli is famous for the Nightmare and among his other pictures is Thor Fighting the Midgard Serpent. I would definitely look him up. He does look a lot like modern fantasy art -- but most of that is influenced by Burne Hogarth who did the Tarzan Comic Strip for a while in the thirties and his students at what became the School of Visual Arts. Hogarth was a HUGE Fuseli fan. 
Odilon Redon painted angels, Cyclopses and other figures, while Picasso did prints of minotaurs, nymphs fauns and Centaurs. Oh, and Goya's prints.
answered Jul 23, 2013