Why is the painter Monet still celebrated today?

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How has he influenced the style of art that he painted? Why is he still remember today? What was so great about him? Oh and by the way, I'm not hating, I love Monet but I'm just curious.

asked Jun 3, 2013 in Artists

2 Answers

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If you love him you already know but I love him because he painted his own way which was new and not accepted by the so-called experts of his day. He tried to paint in the open air (radically new idea in those days) to get the freshest impression of the scene as possible and with great success. It was his painting of a sunrise that gave the whole new movement of Impressionism its name.
answered Jun 3, 2013
0 votes

His work draws you INTO the paintings and SURROUNDS you with his vision in an almost UNPRECEDENTED and UNMATCHED way! Certainly, one of a kind!

answered Jun 3, 2013