Where would be a good place to send students' paintings?

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For history class, I'm hosting a small art class in which students learn the fundamentals of traditional Chinese painting, and after this creating their own paintings to send either to US soldiers or an impoverished place for cultural enrichment. I'm leaning more towards helping impoverished children, such as sending the art to a school. Any suggestions for where I could send them, and how I could go about contacting the place to tell them about my idea?
asked Jun 2, 2013 in Chinese Paintings

2 Answers

0 votes
You could open an Esty online 'store' and sell the paintings. That way you could donate the funds collected to US soldiers for CARE packages...or donate the $$ to any local group. You could also fund more art classes. What a wonderful gift you are giving these students.
answered Jun 2, 2013
0 votes

Contact your local hospitals and universities and ask if they would be willing to display the paintings. Put the price of the the artist's name, the price of the painting, and a contact number on each one.

answered Jun 2, 2013