What are some famous Chinese paintings that you can give a good presentation on?

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asked Jul 17, 2013 in Chinese Paintings

2 Answers

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Probably one of the most famous paintings is the "Qing Ming Shang He Tu" (Life along the river during the Qing Ming Festival). It was painted during the Song Dynasty (12th century) by Zhang Zeduan. It's an ink on silk scroll and measures 5.74 yards long (that's almost 69 inches . . . five feet, nine inches!) and is ten inches high. 
Additionally, you can find information by searching for "Qing Ming Shang He Tu" in your favorite search engine. If you want, you can even enter "清明上河图" (just copy and paste) into your favorite search engine and come up with other information. 
Ebay has lots of replica paintings if you wanted to purchase one (or even the most famous portion, the bridge) for your presentation. 
Good luck on your project.
answered Jul 17, 2013
0 votes
The Vinegar Tasters. You can see it on youtube.
answered Jul 17, 2013