How long does it take oil paint to dry? (on average)?

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I'm trying to do the wet-on-wet painting technique, and need to know a time-frame which I can complete a painting without it drying before completion. How can I keep it it for an extended period of time?

asked May 27, 2013 in Drawing Techniques

3 Answers

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Depending on the thickness of the applied paint (thinner will dry quicker, thicker longer) and whether or not an earth color pigment is used such as burnt umber, it takes an oil painting to dry to the touch between 3 to 7 days. You'll have about 1-3 days where the surface is workable. Burnt umber can cause drying overnight in a thin application with other paints.

As you probably know, generally the goal of a wet into wet painting is to complete it a single 3 to 4 hour session on a canvas probably no larger than 16" by 20". Speed and looseness counts. However, we do not always meet our goals.

answered May 27, 2013
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The wet-on-wet technique is done alla prima or in one sitting. However, there are steps you can take to limit the amount of paint time. Have your canvas, prepped/gessoed and the imprimatura/stain and ink drawing complete. Then mix out all the colors and store in an airtight container. Use several brushes so you can clean at the end instead of during painting, or if you're doing a palette knife painting, have a box of tissues and a trashcan nearby. The paint should stay viscous, pliable up to 6 hours depending on mediums like Lukas paint butter or alkyd gel, some are fast dry and give you about 4 hours.

answered May 27, 2013
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It already takes a long time to dry, one breastroke of oil paint can take a day to dry. It stays wet longer if you layer paint and add on thickly.

answered May 27, 2013