How long did it take Vincent Van Gogh to paint his artwork, "The Potato Eaters" ?

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asked Jun 30, 2013 in Artworks

1 Answer

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My information is not taken from online material, but a text about the paintinig in Vincent Van Gogh (paintings) ,1990, Riksmuseum, Amsterdam, pp. 47-48 
He completed the painting during April 1885. Early in April he made studies for the various figures; on "11th April or thereabouts" he made a rough drawing of the composition to his brother Theo, followed by a more accurate composition sketch" and reported on his progress with the canvas."By the end of April he "had succeeded in a relatively short space of timein executing the actual painting" In May "after the painting was finished" he was considering making a half-size copy of it.
answered Jun 30, 2013