When determining what decorative paint technique to use in your daycare, keep colors bright and bold so they keep the kids' attention. Choose primary colors, neon colors and vibrant colors like vivid purples and royal blues. Keep the background neutral so the colors stand out and stay true to the hues you've chosen. Select methods the kids are involved with and they'll be proud to come into daycare each day.
Hand Prints
Paint the wall bright white and let it dry. Ask parents to bring the kids in play clothes they can paint in. Carefully paint a child's hand in a primary paint color and help them press the hand to the wall, painting on their hand prints. Let each child take several turns painting hand prints of different colors on the wall. Step back often to make sure the hand prints are evenly distributed. Write each child's name and age under their hand prints with a paint pen.
Paint the wall bright white and let it dry. Tape off squares, rectangles and triangles in various sizes. Tape them off using low tack painters tape. Paint the shapes in a variety of colors. Let the paint dry for about an hour and remove the tape. Let the paint dry overnight and tape more shapes, some slightly overlapping the existing shapes and paint them. Wait an hour and remove the tape.
Paint the wall bright white and let it dry. Tape plastic sheets over everything not to be painted including the windows, outlet and light switch covers, baseboards and floors. Fill water balloons with paint. Fill the balloon with paint the same color as the balloon. Let the kids throw the paint filled balloons against the walls. Tell them to throw the balloons hard so the balloons break when they hit the wall. Carefully peel the balloon fragments from the wall and let the wall dry.
Paint the wall bright white and let it dry. Open several cans of paint in a variety of colors. Designate bristle brushes for each color. Dip a brush in paint and shake it at the wall so the paint splatters onto the wall. Dip the brush into the paint and hold the brush next to the wall. Run your finger from one end of the brush to the other, making small flicks of paint land on the wall. Step back often to look for blank spots and spots where you need to add different colors.