Why do artists think splashes of paint is art?

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Seriously? They throw a paint brush at a canvas and sell it for 1000 bucks. Ridiculous. And the sculptures that are blobs? Cmon.
asked Aug 6, 2013 in Artists

3 Answers

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Look at this guy's work. No wonder he only sold one painting in his life and that was to his brother! 

Or this guy?

Look at this guy who painted people by just putting blobs of lumpy raw color next to one another. Small wonder he died penniless.

And what was this guy thinking?
(actual size)

The first painting is a detail from Van Gogh’s “Starry Night”
The second is a close up showing the brush strokes of a Monet painting
The third is by somebody named “Rembrandt’.
The last is from Georges Seurat’s famous “Sunday Afternoon on the Island of Grand Jatte.”

Why would anyone pay $1000 for ANY of these paintings?
None of these guys could ever fool a perceptive eye like yours ... probably developed through your years of study and actual creative production.

By the way, this painting, No. 5, 1948 by Jackson Pollock is currently the most expensive painting ever sold…. $140,000,000.00 (approx. $150.6 million in 2010 US dollars)

When I was a child my art teacher took our class to the Museum 9It was Joeseph Albers Homage to a Square)
I said the same stuff to my art teacher, and he said You say that only because you don't understand, so I took his challenge and studied the artist

When I was a child my art teacher took the class to an art museum to see Josef Albers Homage to a Square, and I said the same kind of stuff that you are saying, and he told me that I said that because I didn’t know. So I took his challenge and read all about Josef Albers and then realized the absolute genius of his work.
Please take the challenge and look at art, read about the art and open your eyes to the deeper beauty that is there.

Here is an example of what you are doing:
Pretend that I criticized a French Poem while I didn’t understand a single word of French. You could certainly question my negative opinion of the work. 
Realize that criticizing a French poem that I don’t understand is similar to you not understanding anything about art and instead of saying “I don’t know anything at all about this” you instead say, “Anyone who spent their life learning about this stuff and still thinks it is good is ridiculous!, while I, in my total ignorance of the subject, am right!”

Yep, Van Gogh, Monet, Rembrandt and Seurat, What did they know about art?
Who would ever spend a $1000 for one of their paintings?

Take the challenge Alex Lesage to Open your mind and learn, Open your eyes and see, and Open your heart and understand.

answered Aug 6, 2013
0 votes
Art is not about being immediately pleasing. Its about having a vision about doing something different, some thing new, even innovative.

oh and its 1000 bucks because there are so few people who buy art work and its a time consuming commodity.

While art can be pleasing it takes someone to try to do something new in order to find something new and popular.
answered Aug 6, 2013
0 votes
I think it's cool because no two paintings will ever be the same that way and not only that but it shows individuality :)
answered Aug 6, 2013