Salvador Dali was a brilliant artist. Do you think he was trying to tell us something? Is there a Dali Code?

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With all the hoopla over The Da Vinci Code maybe other artists were trying to tell us something as well. Who better than Salvador Dali. Just look at his work, he was doing ultra complex collages on canvas decades before PhotoShop was invented.

Dali was a much more complex person than Da Vinci. Have you heard of the Hallucinogenic Toreador? Now that's a twisted piece of work. What's going on there? I'm sure there's a Dali Code that's way more involved than the Da Vinci Code. What do you think?
asked Sep 17, 2013 in Artists

1 Answer

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I think the DaVinci code is a farce even the author says it is not real. People believe what they want to believe.

In art, the whole point of it is for the artist to tell us something or show us something in a new way or a new perspective. It is all subjective within a few objective facts. Dali (as well as DaVinci) is particularly talented in this area.
answered Sep 17, 2013