What materials and how have they been used in this artwork?

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I would like to know what materials were used in 'Fulang-Chang and I' by Frida Kahlo. Please be specific; e.g. what type of paint used and how was it applied. Also how has she used those materials?

asked Jul 30, 2013 in Artworks

1 Answer

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Oil on masonite 15 ¾" x 11" The Museum of Modern Art, New York- the oil appears to have been applied thinly so brushstrokes are not visible. This is one of many self- portraits by Kahlo including her pet spider monkey, Fulang Chang. It is a little reminiscent of some madonna and child paintings of the renaissance except the monkey is in place of the child. She may have done this in a spirit of good humor or fun. Some also call this an "ode to hair" with the hairy cactus, the monobrow, slight moustache and the hairy monkey. Some other ideas may be with the inclusion of the mirror and monkey (monkey sometimes associated with bad shameful behavior), the portrait may be an introspective one for Kahlo, thinking about some undesirable things in her past.
answered Jul 30, 2013