What painting techniques have been used in this Edgar Degas painting" After The Bath"?

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asked Aug 1, 2013 in Artworks

1 Answer

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I believe this to be one of Degas' pastel and charcoal pieces. You can tell by the texture, and how the pigment attaches itself to the raised texture of the support.
He painted at the same time as the Impressionist and Post Impressionist, and was a particular friend of Mary Cassatt, who also used pastel pigment medium. 
Degas did not completely adhere to the techniques of illustrating light and the effect it had on objects and atmosphere as did most of the Impressionist, but he did appreciate capturing the moment in his paintings. He definitely was not afraid of color. He was going blind about the time this piece was done, you can see that he has paid more attention to shape and pattern and not to detail.
answered Aug 1, 2013