I won some Chinese calligraphy and was wondering what it says?

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I won two Chinese calligraphy paintings at a kung fu comp a while ago, and was wondering what they say- and also what all the symbols mean- like the ideas behind it- can somebody translate it for me- I think its Chinese
asked Jul 30, 2013 in Chinese Paintings

1 Answer

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Yes, these are Chinese.
Left No.1 : “国术” (guo2 shu4) means national gymnastics, including Chinese Kungfu;(right side up)
Left No.2: some words that usually used in Buddhism. For example, "生" means to live or to create; "灭" means to die or to destroy; "垢" means dirt, "增" means to increase...(left side up)
Left No.3: "中国功夫" means Chinese Kungfu;(right side up)
Right No.1: "中国功夫", Chinese Kungfu, again;(left side up)
Right No.2: "雄健" means robust, vigorous, powerful or energetic;(right side up)
Right No.3: "舍利子", a Buddhism word, meaning Shariputra, or Buddha's relics.(right side up)
answered Jul 30, 2013