What art should I create for Vincent Van Gogh project?

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I have to do an art project on Vincent Van Gogh. I already wrote the paper however, I have to create a piece of art inspired by Van Gogh. I have to include his techniques, etc. I have no idea where to start. Any ideas? Thanks in advance.

asked May 27, 2013 in Artists

2 Answers

0 votes
Do an oil painting with the typical short brush strokes, a still life like a window with aflowering plant sort of sticking through the window. - expaining it in words is not enough.
answered May 27, 2013
0 votes

Since Van Gogh cut off his ear, you could go to a pet store and buy a pigs ear (which they sell for dogs to chew on - at least they do in Australia. Maybe you need to get one from a butcher and dry it out). Then paint it with his light and dark blue starry sky.

answered May 27, 2013