What are 8 major accomplishments of Michelangelo?

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I need this for a project. I know Michelangelo has created many pieces of art but, I need the 8 MOST IMPORTANT PIECES OF ART. it would be awesome if you can put them in the right chronological order.

asked Jun 17, 2013 in Artists

1 Answer

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You asked this question under Painting and I gave you an answer. This is what I wrote; 
At this site are all his sculptures and paintings with their dates and locations. I'll give my opinion on which are the most important, and you can put them in chronological order as all the dates and location are given in this list - see end of article athttp://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_wor…
Pieta (St Peters, Rome)
David (Florence) 
Moses (Rome) 
Tomb of Giuliano de Medici - Night and Day 
Dying Slave (Louvre) 
Doni Tondo (Florence) - The Holy Family 
Sistine Chapel ceiling - The Creation of Adam
Sistine Chapel ceiling - The Last Judgement

answered Jun 17, 2013