
Seascapes Oil Paintings

Seascapes oil paintings encapsulate the flawless beauty of nature and the endless expanse of sea. They provide breathtaking views of roaring oceans and depict the serenity of maritime life. Want to turn your lakeside cottage into an area that induces a profound sense of calm? Perhaps enhance your beachfront resort with artworks that convey the atmosphere of your natural environment for guests? Our oceanic oil painting reproductions can do just that.

ArtisOO stocks amazing handcrafted replicas of famous seascapes oil paintings by the world's greatest artists, including Ivan Aivazovsky, Winslow Homer, and Claude Monet. Using high-quality materials and the very same techniques employed by the old-time masters, our artists manage to capture the revered styles and stories portrayed in the original works of art. Best of all is that you can purchase our works at just a fraction of what you would pay at a gallery.

Shop around here on our site and find the perfect seascapes oil painting for your home or business.


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$105.57$64.4039% off
Sea On A Moonlit Night 1858
Sea Sunny Day

Sea Sunny Day

$126.99$77.4639% off
At Sea

At Sea

$137.70$84.0039% off
Ship In A Storm 1896

Ship In A Storm 1896

$123.93$75.6039% off
The Tempest 1899

The Tempest 1899

$108.63$66.2639% off
Polynesian Explorers

Polynesian Explorers

$110.16$67.2039% off
Sea With A Ship

Sea With A Ship

$140.76$85.8639% off
From Christiania Harbour

From Christiania Harbour

$129.29$78.8639% off
The Sunset On Sea 1848

The Sunset On Sea 1848

$110.16$67.2039% off
Femenine Wave

Femenine Wave

$162.18$98.9339% off
Sailing by Moonlight

Sailing by Moonlight

$127.76$77.9339% off
Barque on the River Hamme

Barque on the River Hamme

$149.18$91.0039% off
Bay of Naples

Bay of Naples

$139.23$84.9339% off
Sea At Night 1

Sea At Night 1

$112.46$68.6039% off
The Port Of Camaret 1872

The Port Of Camaret 1872

$146.12$89.1339% off
Morning At Sea 1849

Morning At Sea 1849

$139.23$84.9339% off


$123.93$75.6039% off
Homoku View

Homoku View

$100.98$61.6039% off
Fishing Boat

Fishing Boat

$95.63$58.3339% off
Sea 1867

Sea 1867

$123.93$75.6039% off
Masculine Wave

Masculine Wave

$162.18$98.9339% off
Evening at Collioure

Evening at Collioure

$126.99$77.4639% off
The Jetty 1906

The Jetty 1906

$127.76$77.9339% off
Smugglers 1890

Smugglers 1890

$126.99$77.4639% off
Shipping Majorca 1908
Bracing The Waves 1890

Bracing The Waves 1890

$107.10$65.3339% off
Marine au cap

Marine au cap

$119.34$72.8039% off
Black Sea Outlaws

Black Sea Outlaws

$92.57$56.4639% off
Seascape 1879

Seascape 1879

$127.76$77.9339% off


$107.10$65.3339% off
The Battle of Athos

The Battle of Athos

$107.10$65.3339% off
Young Fishermen

Young Fishermen

$127.76$77.9339% off


$149.18$91.0039% off
Docked Ship

Docked Ship

$119.34$72.8039% off
Sea View 1865

Sea View 1865

$123.93$75.6039% off
Thunderstorm on Narragansett Bay

Thunderstorm on Narragansett Bay

$104.04$63.4639% off
Lunar Night 1849

Lunar Night 1849

$110.93$67.6639% off
Long Beach 1923

Long Beach 1923

$117.05$71.4039% off
Harbour With Sailing Ships 1937


$119.34$72.8039% off
Seascape 1866

Seascape 1866

$126.99$77.4639% off
The Sunset 1866

The Sunset 1866

$127.76$77.9339% off
We can paint any size, we can paint any image. Can't find what you are looking for? Contact Us