Thomas Gainsborough was an English painter who painted mainly landscapes and portraits, though he preferred to paint landscapes. Gainsborough is known for applying his paint very quickly. He didn't use any formal painting methods. Instead, he used his observations of nature to structure his work. When painting landscapes, Gainsborough used easy strokes to reflect the beauty of the land. When painting portraits, Gainsborough tried to capture the individuality of each subject. He also incorporated elements of his landscapes into his portraits whenever possible.
Perhaps the most famous portrait Gainsborough ever created was The Blue Boy painting, also called Portrait of the Jonathan Buttall. The Blue Boy painting is thought to depict Jonathan Buttall, a son of a hardware merchant. The blue boy Gainsborough created stands with one hand on his hip, outfitted with a 17th century blue garment from head to toe. In the background of the Blue Boy painting, you can see some of the landscaping that Gainsborough often added to his portraits. The original Gainsborough Blue Boy is on display at the Huntington Library in California.
The Gainsborough Blue Boy is not only a nod to Gainsborough's impeccable painting skills, but it is also an inspirational work that demonstrates the historical costume of the 17th century. The blue boy Gainsborough includes in the painting is outfitted in an elaborate historical outfit that accurately depicts the clothing style worn during the time period.
The Gainsborough Blue Boy can make a wonderful addition to any art collection or space. It can complement the decor of rooms styled with hues of blue, or it can be placed as a showpiece in rooms with other complementary colors. The Blue Boy painting also makes an interesting conversation piece in any living room, foyer or other area of the home where guests are entertained.