Oil Painting Guide

Painting Making Process

Every oil painting we sell is painted by master artists in the same time-honored traditions utilized by the world's most renowned artists, emphasizing the importance of aesthetics, technique and style. Many of our artists have years of training at some of the finest art academies, specializing in the medium of oil on canvas.

Please read below how our artists, step by step, paint the oil paintings. You will learn that at Artisoo, each and every oil painting is meticulously painted, brushstroke by brushstroke, starting with a blank artist canvas and ending with a true masterpiece!

Step 1 Sketch an outline of the oil painting.

Step 2 Apply the first coat of paint to the canvas.

Step 3 Paints the shapes and forms in the oil painting.

Step 4 Add textures to the oil painting.

Step 5 Our artist is now painting the artistic details.

Step 6 Our artist is ready to paint the finishing touches.

Step 7 The oil painting is now a masterpiece.


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