
Portraits Oil Paintings

For artists, portraits painting on canvas using oils is a challenge worth undertaking. If done with the right amount of skill you can capture the essense of a person on canvas. The artist can also use his brush strokes to advance his own unique style of expressing himself.

Perhaps the most famous oil portrait of all times is Leonardo Da Vinci's Mona Lisa. Throughout the world, the painting has to be one of the most recognizeable. Mona Lisa's enigmatic facial expression makes the portrait an endless classic.

A large part of Dutch post impressionist Vincent Van Gogh's work was his self-portraits. Unfortunately, during the Third Reich Regime in Germany, Van Gogh's painting were stolen and destroyed. However, his last self-portrait, Self Portrait Without Beard, sold for 71 million dollars in 1998.

Artisoo offers quality portraits painting reproductions at very affordable prices. From realistic classics like Da Vinci's Mona Lisa and Portrait of Ginevra Bonci to Pablo Picasso's A Dream 1932. Get works from the classic masters. And all the way to the best of today's contemporary greats.

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Gossip 1875

Gossip 1875

$152.24$92.8639% off
Comtesse Tessin

Comtesse Tessin

$133.88$81.6639% off
Le Due Bambole

Le Due Bambole

$133.88$81.6639% off
portrait of jeanne

portrait of jeanne

$126.99$77.4639% off
Actor Fred Billington

Actor Fred Billington

$123.93$75.6039% off
Hortense de Beauharnais

Hortense de Beauharnais

$140.76$85.8639% off
Portrait of Marthe Hientz

Portrait of Marthe Hientz

$113.99$69.5339% off
The smoking Hashish

The smoking Hashish

$133.88$81.6639% off
Girl 1932

Girl 1932

$126.99$77.4639% off
Cornet Sir George Cooke

Cornet Sir George Cooke

$135.41$82.6039% off


$137.70$84.0039% off
A Spanish Woman

A Spanish Woman

$133.88$81.6639% off
Algerian Woman 1883
Greek Girls 3

Greek Girls 3

$77.27$47.1339% off
Mrs. Richard Alsop

Mrs. Richard Alsop

$129.29$78.8639% off
Portrait of Carl-August Deinhard

Portrait of Carl-August Deinhard

$120.87$73.7339% off
Portrait of Mrs. Giroux

Portrait of Mrs. Giroux

$123.93$75.6039% off


$123.93$75.6039% off
four indians

four indians

$117.05$71.4039% off
Woman With Daisies 1870

Woman With Daisies 1870

$120.87$73.7339% off
Le maurauder

Le maurauder

$115.52$70.4639% off
Leopold I

Leopold I

$115.52$70.4639% off
Woman With A Hat 1901

Woman With A Hat 1901

$135.41$82.6039% off
Miss Mary Hickey 1770

Miss Mary Hickey 1770

$135.41$82.6039% off
John Whitehurst

John Whitehurst

$132.35$80.7339% off


$77.27$47.1339% off
Self Portrait 1669 1

Self Portrait 1669 1

$146.12$89.1339% off
Violette Haymann

Violette Haymann

$112.46$68.6039% off


$135.41$82.6039% off
Zamorka (Black Girl)

Zamorka (Black Girl)

$123.93$75.6039% off
Portrait Of A Man 1834

Portrait Of A Man 1834

$127.76$77.9339% off
We can paint any size, we can paint any image. Can't find what you are looking for? Contact Us