

History should be remembered and there is old saying “Take past as a mirror”. History oil painting reflected the history as a mirror, warning the future. Décor your blank wall with a history painting show the antique style of your home.


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Kulikov Battle 1935

Kulikov Battle 1935

$92.57$55.5440% off
The Death of Brutus

The Death of Brutus

$90.27$54.1640% off
The School Of Athens Detail 1511
Kuzma Minin 1894

Kuzma Minin 1894

$85.68$51.4140% off
The Fire of Rome, 18 July 64 AD

The Fire of Rome, 18 July 64 AD

$171.36$102.8240% off
Abe Lincoln's First Book

Abe Lincoln's First Book

$135.41$81.2440% off
Spanish Treatment

Spanish Treatment

$113.99$68.3940% off
Promulgation of the Constitution

Promulgation of the Constitution

$119.34$71.6040% off
Louis IX opens the jails of France
John Brown Going To His Hanging

John Brown Going To His Hanging

$137.70$82.6240% off
Rebelion de los criollos

Rebelion de los criollos

$170.60$102.3640% off
The Fall of Simon Magus

The Fall of Simon Magus

$127.76$76.6540% off
John Brown Reading His Bible

John Brown Reading His Bible

$140.76$84.4640% off
Gifts in Chyhyryn in 1649

Gifts in Chyhyryn in 1649

$153.77$92.2640% off
The Trial Of John Brown

The Trial Of John Brown

$135.41$81.2440% off
We can paint any size, we can paint any image. Can't find what you are looking for? Contact Us