Guanyin Pusa

Avalokiteshvara (Sanskrit) embodies boundless compassion and loving-kindness. She might be the most famed and venerable Bodhisattvas in Mahayana. In China, Avalokiteshvara takes a female form and is called Guānshìyīn Púsà (觀世音菩薩)(also be referred to simply as Guanyin, Kwan Yin, Kuanyin in certain contexts ), which is a translation of the name "Avalokitasvara Bodhisattva."
According to legend, Avalokiteshvara is the chief Bodhisattva. She has measureless wisdom and supernatural power. And she vowed that he would help all sentient beings be free of all the realms of suffering. Normally, in Buddhist art, she may hold a lotus, mala beads, or a vase of nectar with willow, sitting on a lotus platform or standing, in meditation. It can tell from her face and silent gaze the compassionate spirit, mild nature and motherly temper in them.
For the practical application of Feng Shui, the painting of Guanyin is suit to place in the position of honour—the first place everyone could see when they open the door. It is wrong to put the Guanyin painting in bedroom.