Genre Painting

Genre Painting

In our genre corner , we offer painting of scenes from everyday life, of ordinary people in work or recreation, depicted in a generally realistic manner. Let you feel people’s different life in the world.


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Pretty Baa-Lambs

Pretty Baa-Lambs

$127.76$77.9339% off
A Modern Olympia 1870

A Modern Olympia 1870

$156.06$95.2039% off


$160.65$98.0039% off
The Hypochondriac

The Hypochondriac

$126.99$77.4639% off


$80.33$49.0039% off
The Sick Child 1886

The Sick Child 1886

$146.12$89.1339% off
Bad News

Bad News

$135.41$82.6039% off
A Woman Reading

A Woman Reading

$126.99$77.4639% off
6th sokol festival 1912

6th sokol festival 1912

$120.87$73.7339% off
Afternoon In Naples

Afternoon In Naples

$126.99$77.4639% off
Two Girls 1890

Two Girls 1890

$126.99$77.4639% off
A Boat

A Boat

$133.88$81.6639% off
At the cafe

At the cafe

$142.29$86.8039% off
The Blue Boat 1892

The Blue Boat 1892

$108.63$66.2639% off
Fresh Air 1878

Fresh Air 1878

$110.16$67.2039% off
The Café

The Café

$115.52$70.4639% off
Restaurant De oude Vink

Restaurant De oude Vink

$133.88$81.6639% off
A Village Wedding 1653
Best Seller

A Village Wedding 1653

$133.88$81.6639% off
grape harvest at arles 1888
Best Seller

grape harvest at arles 1888

$104.04$63.4639% off
a lady standing at a virginal
Best Seller
Artists Sketching In The White Mountains
Best Seller
The signatories
Best Seller
At The Fountain 1897
Best Seller
Bass Fishing Florida
Best Seller

Bass Fishing Florida

$117.05$71.4039% off
A Village Wedding
Best Seller

A Village Wedding

$133.88$81.6639% off
Best Seller


$117.05$71.4039% off
The Black Brunswicker 1860
Best Seller
Long Branch New Jersey
Best Seller

Long Branch New Jersey

$110.16$67.2039% off
Arundel Castle With Rainbow
Best Seller
Chinese Torture
Best Seller

Chinese Torture

$107.10$65.3339% off
Four Girls In Arsgardstrand 1903
Best Seller
Best Seller


$147.65$90.0639% off
The Crystal Ball 1902
Best Seller
A Bleaching Ground
Best Seller
8th sokol festival 1912
Best Seller

8th sokol festival 1912

$105.57$64.4039% off
Bathing 1921 1
Best Seller

Bathing 1921 1

$156.06$95.2039% off
A Collaboration
Best Seller

A Collaboration

$132.35$80.7339% off
At The Concert 1896
Best Seller
a boy with a dog 1861
Best Seller

a boy with a dog 1861

$126.99$77.4639% off
We can paint any size, we can paint any image. Can't find what you are looking for? Contact Us