Genre Painting

Genre Painting

In our genre corner , we offer painting of scenes from everyday life, of ordinary people in work or recreation, depicted in a generally realistic manner. Let you feel people’s different life in the world.


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A Hermit Praying

A Hermit Praying

$130.82$75.8742% off
After Good Luck 1868

After Good Luck 1868

$110.93$64.3442% off
Festival At Argenteuil
Sweet Doing Nothing

Sweet Doing Nothing

$117.05$67.8942% off
Butcher Shop

Butcher Shop

$156.06$90.5142% off
Cherry Tree

Cherry Tree

$107.10$62.1242% off
Interior of a cafe

Interior of a cafe

$113.99$66.1142% off
Dandelions 1868

Dandelions 1868

$110.16$63.8942% off
The Quilting Frolic

The Quilting Frolic

$135.41$78.5342% off
Payment Of Taxes

Payment Of Taxes

$112.46$65.2242% off
The Bowl

The Bowl

$139.23$80.7542% off
The Letter

The Letter

$83.39$48.3642% off
boy blowing bubbles 1869

boy blowing bubbles 1869

$126.99$73.6542% off
Composition A Raid 1931

Composition A Raid 1931

$133.88$77.6542% off
Boy Blowing At Lamp

Boy Blowing At Lamp

$139.23$80.7542% off


$113.99$66.1142% off
Old Woman 1619

Old Woman 1619

$110.16$63.8942% off
Breton Dance 1890

Breton Dance 1890

$77.27$44.8142% off
Private baths in Pompeii


$77.27$44.8142% off
Garden Scene

Garden Scene

$120.87$70.1042% off
Chaste Suzanne 1922

Chaste Suzanne 1922

$112.46$65.2242% off
After The Bath 1902

After The Bath 1902

$105.57$61.2342% off
An Interrupted Date

An Interrupted Date

$139.23$80.7542% off
Boy Fishing

Boy Fishing

$112.46$65.2242% off
At Noon 1879

At Noon 1879

$110.16$63.8942% off
Cherry Pie 1908

Cherry Pie 1908

$130.82$75.8742% off


$160.65$93.1842% off
Unloading The Catch

Unloading The Catch

$123.93$71.8842% off
African Warrior

African Warrior

$110.16$63.8942% off
Celebrating The Birth 1664

Celebrating The Birth 1664

$133.88$77.6542% off
The Prisoners 1908

The Prisoners 1908

$117.05$67.8942% off
A Modern Olympia 1874

A Modern Olympia 1874

$132.35$76.7642% off
Animated Gourd

Animated Gourd

$120.87$70.1042% off
Boating On The Lake

Boating On The Lake

$126.99$73.6542% off
Stock yard

Stock yard

$90.27$52.3642% off
kelp gatherers 1890

kelp gatherers 1890

$112.46$65.2242% off
After The Raid 1938

After The Raid 1938

$119.34$69.2242% off
We can paint any size, we can paint any image. Can't find what you are looking for? Contact Us