What are some good artist that paint in pastels?

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Okay so I'm trying to do claude monet and I draw one of his art works when i was in fifth grade o-o i am now in high school and I got all the things but it is hard :\ There are A lot of artist that use pastels but i'm not sure which one is the best. I was wondering if anyone knew if he used oil pastels or not? Please tell me what you think.

asked Jun 7, 2013 in Artworks

2 Answers

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I think Monet used oil paint . A good artist that used pastels and infact worked in several media was Edgar Degas. He is best know for his artwork of ballet dancers. One of these pictures," Two Dancers Entering the Stage", c., 1877-78, pastel --the picture captures a moment in a ballet, inviting the viewer to experience the elegant performance.

answered Jun 7, 2013
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Monet was the first that came to my mind.Carol Hodgson is a more modern artist who has some good stuff. However, pastels are not my favorites, I prefer dark and vivid such as Van Gogh.

answered Jun 7, 2013