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How to paint Chinese Painting

2 Answers

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Oriental painting techniques have a lengthy history rooted in Eastern culture. The objective is to focus on simplicity and capturing the essence of objects or places. Special techniques, brushwork and a well-defined style are necessary for success.
Look To Nature
Many Oriental art themes are based on nature, landscapes, and animals. Practice painting subjects like leaves, flowers, and thin reeds. Using Chinese artwork for inspiration is a good idea as well.
Traditional Techniques Are Inspirational
Most Oriental pictures are made with rice paper, but watercolor paper is a good substitute. Be sure to find a good India Ink, or even try grinding your own ink stick, as is done in traditional Chinese art.
Oriental painting emerged from Chinese calligraphy techniques. This helps in training to wield your soft brush for different strokes, and varying line thickness or thinness.
Practice Brush Strokes
Vary painting speeds for different results. Use a dry brush to paint branches, or a wet one to let ink flow for blurrier, watery effects. After the ink lines are dry, practice blending in some color.
Pick Up Different Influences
Do not get impatient, because getting proficient in this style takes time. Study examples of Chinese calligraphy and other relevant art styles from books, websites and museum visits
answered Jun 6, 2013
0 votes
Traditional Chinese drawing is a cross between painting and calligraphy and uses special ink, brushes and paper. While Chinese line drawings are typically simplistic and use the white of the paper as their background, landscapes are detailed and intricate. Chinese symbols and motifs, such as dragons, lotus flowers and cherry blossoms, are commonly found in Chinese art. However, you can draw any figure or object you like as long as you keep it minimalistic.
Dip the brush into paint or ink of the appropriate color. You may wish to dip the brush into two colors to create a two-toned line. For example, if you wish to draw a lotus flower, dip the brush into a pink paint or ink. You may wish to dip the tip of the brush into a dark pink paint so the petals of the lotus flower appear darker on the outside and lighter on the inside.
Set the tip of the brush against the paper, and move your hand in the appropriate direction, using a swift motion. For example, to draw a lotus flower, move the brush to the right, creating a slightly curved line.
Push the brush against the paper to create a wide line. Drag the tip of the brush against the paper to create a thin, smooth line. Typically, the petals of a lotus flower do not require especially wide or thin lines. However, you may wish to draw wide lines for the base of the petals and thin lines to outline each petal.
Rinse the brush, and dip it into a new color of ink or paint. Continue drawing the shape or design, until you are finished with all of the solid lines. For example, dip the brush in a green ink or paint. Create a wide line of green near the lotus flower to draw a leaf.
Dip your brush in ink then dip it in water for a few seconds. Run the brush against the paper to create shadows and depth. The brush should move against the paper so the long side touches the paper. This will create a soft color, such as a light black or pink. Though these watercolor-like shapes are typically drawn using black, you can use any color. You may wish to add a shadow to the ground just below the flower.
Add darker, fine lines using a thin brush. Dip the brush in paint or ink, and draw these lines over the original lines. For example, draw the details of the lotus flower's petals using a dark pink paint. These petals have thin lines extending from their base to their tips.
answered Jun 6, 2013