How do you get wrinkles out of a chinese painting after you've dropped it?

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I accidentally dropped a chinese guohua painting while I was hanging it, and now there are a lot of wrinkles I can't get out of the paper. How can I make the paper appear smooth without ironing or any techniques that will damage the painting?
asked May 27, 2013 in Chinese Paintings

2 Answers

0 votes
Take it to a professional art restorer, or you can go to a frame shop where they have a dry mount machine and they should be able to dry press the piece for you. Whatever you decide to do, take it to someone who knows what they are doing. Do not try it yourself!
answered May 27, 2013
0 votes
Dampen and stretch. It is the only way but should be handled by someone that knows the 'trick'.
answered May 27, 2013