Artist who are similar to jacques louis david.?

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Hi, I'm doing a a presentation on jacques louis david and i need to find another artist from his time period or similar style to compare and contrast with. Things that I'll need to discuss are the elements and principles of design:i.e line, shape, mass, color, value, texture etc etc ...
asked Oct 18, 2013 in Artists

2 Answers

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One painter that certainly stands out among the giants in the Neoclassical painting period is Jean Auguste Dominique Ingres. His painting style was captured female figures in often exquisite poses. These portraits remain unmatched by any other artist of his time. Arguably, one of his best works is the Turkish Bath. This painting is lovely and captures the sensuous nude using shallow tones. The painting depicts a turkish scene. Boime (1993), noted that there is hardly any depth utilized in the work this is because "Ingres divides the group of harem bathers into two. They exist in a deep but undefined space." According to Boime (1993) Ingres learned from David to pay more attention to line and detail and not focus so much on color. On the contrary, in the Turkish Bath painted in 1862 when Ingres was 82 years of age gives the viewer not the "anatomical distortion" that can be seen in his other great work "The Grand Odalisque," which caused much controversy, but a highly refined sense of human anatomy.
answered Oct 18, 2013
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You can look up the neo-classical period of art history. But here's some info for you...
David studied under Joseph Marie Vien.
David's students included Ingres, Antoine-Jean Gros, Jean Baptiste Isabey, Victor Schnetz, Sophie Rude, Louis-LĂ©opold Robert and Francois Gerard.
answered Oct 18, 2013