The great painter Jacques- Louis David .?

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What are the issues of David's style considering the aspects of color, and light , and the choice of arrangements of objects, and figures and the expressions?
asked Oct 18, 2013 in Artists

2 Answers

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His style is often discussed in contrast with other French painters of the time who were more interested in drama, motion, movement and loose brushwork- they were the Romantics like Theodore Gericault. David's style is linear (as opposed to painterly) and his palette is cool; lighting is used to dramatically enhance his subject matter.

Jacques Louis-David was political and in favor of the Revolution in France, and used subjects from ancient history as references to the overthrow of other political tyrannies.
answered Oct 18, 2013
0 votes
David was one of the greatest technical craftsmen in the history of painting.His style shows influence of Caravaggio,and Chardin mainly.
His life spanned the Classical era into the beginnings of Romanticism.
Many of his works show an openly political message to which his individual style is subdued.He has been vaguely described as Neo-Classical due to the influence of an art theorist/historian called Winckelmann..

You should look at his painting of Marat and compare it to Michealangelos Pieta for the posing of the figure Carravaggios many works for flesh-tones and tone contrast and any still -life painting by Chardin.
answered Oct 18, 2013