Who are the greatest charcoal artists?

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asked Oct 19, 2013 in Artists

1 Answer

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Honore Daumier - French 19th Century 
Kathe Kollwitz - German 20th Century 
Kollwitz lost a son in WWI and a grandson in WWII. Many of her prints dealt with the Human Condition. 

The two artists were most involved with social commentary 

Both Daumier and Kollwitz worked with lithographs, basically the same technique as charcoal, as did Lautrec. Lithography could reproduce the artwork as prints, available to the many rather than a one-sheet drawing. 

In addition: Kollwitz's son was injured in WWI and died in his mother's arms. Twenty years later she did a sculpture [1937] of a mother holding her dead son. A copy of that sculpture now sits in the center of the Neue Wache in Berlin, a memorial to the military dead and despotism. Germany's version of a "Tomb of the Uknown Soldier. Image: 

answered Oct 19, 2013