What painting techniques have been used in Thomas Eakins' painting?

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asked Sep 23, 2013 in History

2 Answers

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The Gross Clinic is an 1875 painting by American artist Thomas Eakins. It is oil on canvas and measures 8 feet (240 cm) by 6.5 feet (200 cm). Dr. Samuel D. Gross, a seventy-year-old professor dressed in a black frock coat, lectures a group of Jefferson Medical College students. Included among the group is a self-portrait of Eakins, who is seated to the right of the tunnel railing, sketching or writing. Seen over Dr. Gross's right shoulder is the clinic clerk, Dr. Franklin West, taking notes on the operation. Eakins's signature is painted into the painting, on the front of the surgical table.
answered Sep 23, 2013
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The Agnew Clinic is an 1889 oil painting by American artist Thomas Eakins which was commissioned to honor anatomist and surgeon, David Hayes Agnew, on his retirement.
answered Sep 23, 2013