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Oil Paintings and Canvas sets on sale

Chinese/japanese art posters in room?

0 votes
So I wanna buy some posters or paintings for my room. I want some cool jape or chinese ones. Does anyone know any good websites and that they are not too expensive
asked Sep 4, 2013 in Chinese Paintings

3 Answers

0 votes
Art.com has some inexpensive Asian art posters, both Japanese and Chinese. In the search box on Art.com's web page, just type in "Japanese" or "Chinese" and they will come up.
answered Sep 4, 2013
0 votes
Ebay has some good oriental stuff that is really inexpensive, even with
the shipping fees. Consider some Chinese papercut artwork -- really cool and cheap.
You could try posters.com, I don't know how much oriental stuff they have, but their unframed prices are not bad.
answered Sep 4, 2013
0 votes
you could always try a DIY... or hav a talented friend do it for you... look up what you want on google to get an idea of what you want and try to make somthing similar... bring out the artist within ;) lol
answered Sep 4, 2013