What impact has Filippo Brunelleschi had on Renaissance History?

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I just need some information on some impact that he has had on Renaissance history. I already know he was famous for building the Dome of the Cathedral in Florence and he 'invented' Linear perspective.
asked Sep 4, 2013 in Artists

2 Answers

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The dome was huge, that technology had been lost after the collapse of the Roman empire. Brunelleschi literally had to make it up as he went along. A lot of the Renaissance art, especially in Italy, was about rediscovering the Roman techniques. For example, the Renaissance was the first time in hundreds of years that anyone could build an equestrian statue.
answered Sep 4, 2013
0 votes
Hey, that is pretty good, don't you think, linear perspective. My parents would have been very proud of me if I did that or built a dome somewhere....you feel me?
answered Sep 4, 2013