What was Raphael's contributions to the renasissance and what impact did he have on the renaissance?

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Raphael the italian rennaisace genius.

asked Jul 3, 2013 in Artists

1 Answer

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Raphael was the greatest and most creative painter of all time. His soft unspoken colors tell a story of a million years.
Look at the detail in which painted. Compare this with Michael Angelo and all of the Dutch and Spainard painters from the same time period. He had a huge impact on the art World and his paintings are bringing in more money then any other painter within History. Do not miss understand me Michael Angelo was a talent in everything that he touched from his statues to his famous fountains. I have always loved the subtle soft coloration that Raphael put to the canvas. His work is to marvel if you ever travel to Europe where you may see his art on exhibit.
answered Jul 3, 2013