What are some Contemporary Landscape Artists/Paintings?

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I need to explore 5 different artist's contemporary landscape paintings for an art assignment for school. Can any of you suggest any paintings/artists I could look at. According to the criteria the paintings should illustrate this quote “Contemporary artists may explore the way landscape is experienced, not just seen. As well
as appealing to the visual sense, new approaches to landscape considered hearing, touch
and smell as well as aspects of personal experience such as past knowledge and cultural

Thanks to anyone who could help
asked Aug 22, 2013 in Artists

1 Answer

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One of my very favorites is Seattle artist Mitch Albala : http://images.google.com/imgres?imgurl=h... 

Barbara Benedetti-Newton moved from pretty colored pencil pices to stunning pastels landscapes:http://images.google.com/imgres?imgurl=h... 

Richard McKinley is an incredible plein air pastelists: http://images.google.com/imgres?imgurl=h... 

As you can tell I like the work of pastelists, and Albala is someone I am hoping to take a class from someday. 

Wolf Kahn is a significant contemporary landscapre painter. . .. probably one you may have heard of before. He works in both oils and pastels: http://www.wolfkahn.com/index2.html 

I agree with Hawkster that Albert Bierstadt is a remarkable landscape painter, perhaps my favorite in history, but he has been dead 106 years . . . making him a non-contemporary.

answered Aug 22, 2013