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Chinese Calligraphy...losing out to tech??????

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welll....i m doin a project on chinese calligraphy.....i nid ur help....it is losing popularity amongst as youth nowadays as calligraphy....it is due to modern tech being more attractive...like computer and television....i nid to know if it is true...pls gif link of articles and other sources cuz ineed to cite...pls!!!!!!!!!
asked Aug 15, 2013 in Chinese Paintings

1 Answer

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No, never thank goodness. Chinese calligraphy is (as you may already know) totally different than Western calligraphy (which you can do on a computer).
Chinese calligraphy is so much more beautiful as it is a reflection of the artist. There are not set rules like Western style. I have studied calligraphy for 40 years and it is a true art all over the world. 
Chinese artists go with their flow and serenity and doing it is really relaxing. Even the artist Picasso used Chinese calligraphy in his paintings.
Due to nerve damage through my whole body I can no longer enjoy writing the art but, I'll never lose the appreciation.
answered Aug 15, 2013