Can you identify this oil painting for me ?

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I was visiting an assisted living center facility recently, and noticed a painting. I could not see the artists Signature, I assume it is under the frame. I want to know more about this painting. There were two others which seemed to be of the same place, but from a slightly different vantage point. I will describe the first painting. It is a valley, framed by very high cliffs. in the center of the valley is a river winding into the distance, there is vegetation all around up to the foot of the cliffs. There are dense dark clouds low over the cliffs, and a brilliant Sunrise at the end of the valley. Can anyone identify this painting for me ?

asked Aug 12, 2013 in Artworks

1 Answer

0 votes

It could be anything, there are millions of landscape paintings out there. Your best bet is to return to the facility and check the painting more closely for the artist's signature, either on the painting itself or perhaps on the back, if it is a print. Get permission of course.

answered Aug 12, 2013