What painting inspires you most?

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asked Aug 12, 2013 in Artworks

2 Answers

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I like several -- The Freedoms by Norman Rockwell -- to express these ideas visually is quite inspiring. -- landscapes by Albert Bierstadt -- powerful ; yet, so calming. -- work by Van Gogh -- a tremendous drive to create -- sometimes I'm at a loss when artists say, " I don't know what to draw or paint ? " -- just look out the window, walk down the street or countryside, view what other artists have done, pick up your pencil or brush and create. -- good luck!!!
answered Aug 12, 2013
0 votes

There are a few: The Birth of Venus by Botticelli; Transfiguration by Raphael, and the Dance of Time by Poissin are excellent works by the old masters. The Persistence of memory by Dali, early cubist works by Braques, and some of Magritte's work are modern masterpieces.

answered Aug 12, 2013