What style of painting would you most likely buy at a restaurant?

0 votes

What subject matter and style painting would you be most compelled to buy?

I'm planning on selling some of my art at a local bistro restaurant, and was curious what type of painting people are most drawn to. My paintings tend to be more realistic and neat than abstract. 
Any suggestions?

asked Jun 2, 2013 in Artworks

2 Answers

0 votes
If you paint realism perhaps you would like to paint some food. If it is a Fish Restaurant perhaps a Lobster or something similar. Still Life. Hopefully someone will buy your work as a splendid memory of a most enjoyable evening. Good luck!
answered Jun 2, 2013
0 votes

I go to a restaurant to enjoy a nice meal or food item, relax and enjoy the good company of my friends and relations. 

If I wished to buy art, I'd perhaps visit a gallery or the studio of an artist I have identified as "good" or "appropriate to my tastes".

answered Jun 2, 2013