Know of any modern artists which paint birds?

0 votes
my art coursework is needed 3 weeks today and i need an artist of birds to use in my sketchbook. i cannot find any i've looked all over the internet and can only find traditional artists. i am doing my final piece of birds sitting on a powerline.

i would really appreaciate it if you could get back to me if you know any useful artists.
thanks xo.
asked Aug 10, 2013 in Artists

2 Answers

0 votes
Gary Hume did some modern bird paintings ( Baby bird is one) and Karel Appel(People ,birds,sun)

Also an artist named Sonia Rollo does one

You have a hard task-Good Luck

Have a look at the Tate Modern Galleries
answered Aug 10, 2013
0 votes
I don't know what you mean by modern artist. If you are looking for living artists you might try calling art galleries for names of those that paint birds. If you are looking for a style of painting other than "traditional" try searching by putting the style in the search line. Hope this helps.
answered Aug 10, 2013