How to Decorate and Paint a Dining Room

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asked Aug 10, 2013 in Decorative

1 Answer

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Paint and decorate your dining room to reflect the style and formality you wish to create. A casual family dining room calls for different paint and decor than an elegant formal dining room. Consider how you plan to use the room, what your decorating style is and any color preferences you have before you get started. The room should also appear to flow with other common areas of your home. If the surrounding rooms are ultra-modern stark white and black, the dining room may look out of place if you go with deep reds or a Mediterranean style.

    1    Plan your decor theme, style and color scheme in advance. Use a chair, table cloth, linen napkins, curtains, a vase, artwork or any other element as inspiration for the entire room. Everything you put in the room should complement your inspiration piece. For example, if your inspiration is a blue vase with pale yellow flowers, paint the walls a soft shade of yellow with blue curtains and table linens and pale yellow chair covers.

    2    Remove wall hangings, fixtures, furniture and anything else you can to prepare for painting. Clean the walls with soapy water and a clean cloth. Cover the floor and any remaining furniture with a drop cloth. Tape off any trim or areas you don't want painted with painter's tape.

    3    Use a primer if you're drastically changing the wall cover, as suggested by A primer is also necessary if you are switching from an oil or latex base paint to the opposite.

    4    Paint the room according to your design plan. recommends painting the ceiling first (if you choose to paint the ceiling), the walls and then the trim. Allow the proper drying time, which is typically 24 to 48 hours. Leave the windows and doors open to allow for ventilation. If you want to use a bold color, one accent wall may work as the bold color may seem overwhelming on each wall. Accent walls are also helpful if the dining room shares any walls with neighboring rooms.

    5    Arrange your furniture in the room to flow in a logical pattern. Dining tables and chairs are typically at the center of the room to allow for easy access to each chair. Place a decorative sofa table, buffet or china cabinet along the largest wall or opposite from the main traffic area in the room.

    6    Hang a mirror, plates, artwork or other wall decor to complement the paint color and decorating style. The artwork or mirror should be proportioned to the furniture and wall. A small picture would be overshadowed on a large wall in front of a dining table set for 10. Likewise, a large mirror would seem out of place in an intimate dining room with a table for four.

    7    Accessorize the room with items that complement the colors and your inspiration piece. Vases, bowls, plates, pottery, candles or other decorative items can add to a shelf or table in the room. A table cloth, runner, linen napkins, dishes and centerpiece could grace the table, incorporating different colors from your inspiration piece. Chair covers and a rug could also incorporate different colors, designs, patterns or textures to complement your style, color scheme and theme.
answered Aug 10, 2013