Virtual Painting & Decorating

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asked Aug 8, 2013 in Decorative

1 Answer

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If you don't like the idea of comparing physical swatches, samples, and materials when decorating, consider making design decisions with a computer. Today's online programs can show you what an entire room will look like based on your input and preferences.

    Paint Colors
    Selecting paint colors is often a difficult task. Virtual painting takes the burden off the decorator by allowing him or her to see what the completed walls will look like in terms of color, finish, and even different paint combinations.

    Furniture Placement
    One of the hardest aspects of interior design is choosing where to put your furniture. More advanced decorating programs can show you what different arrangements will look like in a given room--all you need to do is upload the furniture's measurements.

    Hiring Professionals
    Using a virtual program is not only helpful to homeowners, but it lets a professional decorator or contractor know exactly what results you want. Online decorating is also beneficial to interior designers who wish to show clients the precise outcome of their color and patterns choices.
answered Aug 8, 2013