Whats the name of the art style or any artists that use the following style....?

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Okay, typing this all over again so here goes:
I'm doing a project for an art class, and I'm looking for the name of the visual art style or perhaps artists that do it so I can research some examples. Basically it involves taking two pictures, I will be using 18x24 images. You then cut them into strips (3-6 inches). You take these strips and paste them in an alternating pattern (a strip from A, strip from, A, B, and so on). The strips will be pasted together in a 3D method so that they come to an angle sticking out from the canvas. The end result is as follows: When you look at the work from head-on it is mixed up and jumbled. Step to the left (or right) and look at the image from a (roughly) 45 degree angle and you see one of the images. Step to the direction opposite of where you started and you will see the other image. Anyways, like I said, I want to figure out the name of this style or method so I can do some more research before I begin my own.
asked Aug 6, 2013 in Artists

1 Answer

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Optical art/Kinetic art

Check out Israeli optical artist Yaacov Agam whose raised v shaped strips are one painting when viewed from the right hand side and another when viewed from the left side.:

Also look at Venezuelan artist Carlos Cruz-Diez 

and Jesus Rafael Soto is well worth taking a look at too:

answered Aug 6, 2013