Artists who do work related to cities or buildings?

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I'm having a bit of trouble finding an artist for my project. My theme is cities so I want an artist who has buildings and things in their work and I would like one who does quite bright modern art.
asked Aug 3, 2013 in Artists

2 Answers

0 votes
If you are having to write a piece, remember to put some historical reference in, such as mentioning Canaletto and Guardi (painters of Venice, plus Canaletto painted views of London). Maybe the post-WWII artist Frank Auerbach would also interest you as he made many studies of London being reconstructed.
answered Aug 3, 2013
0 votes
Piet Mondrian. Look at Broadway Boogie Woogie or any of his other paintings done during WW2 in New York City.
answered Aug 3, 2013