How to Teach Painting & Decorating

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asked Aug 2, 2013 in Decorative

1 Answer

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Painting and decorating are ways of making any space more functional and usable. A well painted wall can disguise a room's flaws and show off the room's best features. A well decorated area can help people work more effectively, sleep better or feel more comfortable as they relax. Teaching students how to use such techniques properly can be done in many different ways.

    Teach an understanding of color theory. Color theory tells us how colors interact together. Colors evoke emotions. A color can feel cool or warm to the eye. A color may make us feel sad or happy or excited or serene. Students should understand how colors are perceived. They should also understand such basic ideas about color such as how certain colors may be opposites or complimentary. Hand out color wheels so they can see where colors line up on the color spectrum.

    Teach students about materials. Fabrics differ. Some are heavier and some are lighter. Students should be able to tell satin from cotton. They should understand when to use linen and when damask might be preferable. This will help them understand how to choose fabric for a sofa, rug or wall hanging.

    Teach them the history of painting and decorating. The art of painting and decorating has a very long history that goes back millennia. Students should have a foundational understanding of various art movements such as Cubism, Impressionism and Realism. They should have a grounding in furniture styles such as the difference between the ornate carved surfaces of the Victorian era and the cleaner lines that followed. Museums and local exhibits are ideal for this purpose. Have students study examples from textbooks and then see if they can find local examples. A visit to a contemporary home furnishings store can be of use. Students can see various examples close up and even touch them.

    Give them a place to practice. Set aside a wall for students to learn to handle paint. They can choose colors and then practice painting techniques right on the wall. Assign each student a separate space on the wall if there's enough space. Let them observe paint directly under different light conditions such as early morning or late afternoon to get a sense of how the paint actually looks when applied.

    Have them work with the tools of the trade. Students should know how to properly measure an item. They should understand the differences between various paint brushes as well as how and when to use them.
answered Aug 2, 2013