Wash your plastic wine glasses with a mild dishwashing soap and water. Let the glasses dry thoroughly before you start painting.
Place a stencil against the plastic wine glass in the position where you want the painted design to be featured. Carefully smooth down the stencil and tape the edges down with masking tape.
Pour a small amount of each of the colors you'll be applying onto a paper plate. Dip the tip of your paintbrush into the paint and blot off any excess onto a clean portion of the paper plate.
Apply paint to the plastic wine glass, using the edges of the stencil as a guide. Paint all of the areas of the same color first. For example, if your design is a flower with green leaves, paint all the green surfaces first, before moving onto a different color.
Rinse out your brush with water, blot it dry on a paper towel and then apply the next color in your design onto the plastic wine glass.
Let the glasses dry for several hours, then carefully peel off the stencils. Let the plastic wine glasses dry for at least 24 hours before use.