Looking for books on Gustav Klimt?

0 votes
I'm really into art, However it's hard to find books on a specific artist.. and I was looking to learn more about Gustav Klimt. Any good books about him? His life? His inspiration?

I'm just not sure what a reliable author/book would be.
Any information would be so helpful.
asked Jul 26, 2013 in Artists

2 Answers

0 votes

I'm sure you'll get a better answer from someone that has more knowledge of Klimtthan do I.

I would suggest that you first go to your local library and ask the librarian to help you. That's what librarians are paid to do. That way you won't be spending money on books that may not help you. Your library may have an online catalog you can research.

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answered Jul 26, 2013
0 votes
are you serious? there are more books on klimt than you can imagine. do some googling.
answered Jul 26, 2013