What is the difference between western and chinese paintings?

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I need the answer as soon as possible for my assignment!
Could someone differentiate to me what is western and a chinese painting??
asked Jul 25, 2013 in Chinese Paintings

2 Answers

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The difference is about the style which is the most important one, and the reason is Chinese artist are almost very spritual and their painting is mor like their poem ,its light ,no too much colour because they are talking about spirt that should be very light and far from materialism thats why they use water color more than oil color and to honest painting ,colligraphy from them is something enternal and spirtual which is very much opposite of western painting .Western painting could be life style ,landscape ,nature..... there are huge differeances 
between them.
Good luck my friend 
answered Jul 25, 2013
0 votes
There are so many kinds of western painting (and perhaps so many kinds of Chinese) that a simple answer is difficult, but if we are talking traditional Chinese painting like I have seen in museums and general representational (not abstract) western art, I would say that Chinese art is lacking the perspective (depth) found commonly in western art and western art is lacking the multiple scenes of telling a story that seems common in Chinese art. (Although primitive style western art lacks depth and certain ancient Greek and other art includes multiple scenes.)
Chinese art seems to feature scenes/landscapes with many small figures (people/animals) while western art tends show specific people's faces or not show people at all.
answered Jul 25, 2013