How could Da vinci tell the difference between colours?

0 votes
I was looking at some stupid painting of his the other day 'moaning Lisa' or some garbage. But yea I was quite surprised how he could tell the difference between colours cos everything was black and white in the olden days like in the movies?
asked Jul 22, 2013 in Artists

2 Answers

0 votes
You dolt, it was simple he looked at the numbers on the painting and filled them in with the bottles that had the same numbers. Didn't you ever paint?
answered Jul 22, 2013
0 votes
Just because movies, tv programmes, photos etc used to be black and white, it doesn't mean that no-one was able to identify what colour was what. Da vinci was probably able to tell the difference between colours because he had learnt what colours were what like anyone else these days
answered Jul 22, 2013