What do you think of these Chinese paintings ?

0 votes
Hi, these are some Chiese paintings 
thought there are some words in Chinese, but it doesn't matter that you can appreciate these painting.
Click the picture to see the next picture.
My question is , do you think these paintings are good ? how are they drawn ?
Much Thanks.
asked Jul 17, 2013 in Chinese Paintings

4 Answers

0 votes
I appreciate Chinese art, but I do not care for this painting. The same picture popped up on every frame...the burnt sienna one. The lines are nice and there is an innocent, simplistic, and almost cartoon-like presence, but the colors make me think of baby food...overall it is too bland for my taste.
answered Jul 17, 2013
0 votes
chinese people do great drawings i like the way how they draw in a calm and gentle way i wish i could draw like that
answered Jul 17, 2013
0 votes
They're quite beautiful. The Chinese invented art, practically.
answered Jul 17, 2013
0 votes
Very Cool!..No i dont know how the artist painted nor do i read chinese(Although i wish i could)..Great painting though.Good Luck in researching it.
answered Jul 17, 2013