What are difference in the look of a Chinese cherry blossom tattoo vs a Japanese one?

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I would like to get a cherry blossom tattoo, and I was looking up the meaning and apparently the Chinese meaning is different from the japanese meaning. I like the meaning of the Japanese and I was wondering if the Chinese looks different from the Japanese, in terms of tattoos?
asked Jul 16, 2013 in Chinese Paintings

2 Answers

0 votes
Don't think so. I have a cherry blossom tatt. I didn't tell the girl japanese or chinese. Their paintings are different so painting wise yes the cultures have different styles and in that case mine is japanese brush stroke style.
answered Jul 16, 2013
0 votes

They are pretty close to identical. The Chinese cherry blossoms actually have more of a point at the tip of the petals.. The Japanese blossoms are more rounded, and sometimes squared off. Just do a google search to see the difference. 

And honestly, unless youre a stickler for minute details, it really doesnt matter that much.. no one else you meet will know the difference. But if it matters to you, thats what counts.

answered Jul 16, 2013