What is a painting medium and how do you use them?

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I am new to painting and i don't understand the concept of painting mediums. Do you put them on after the painting is done? like how do i use stand oil....i dont get it.
asked May 31, 2013 in Artworks

2 Answers

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You have no understanding of the phrases you are using. Medium is the kind of material you use to create your art. it could be oil, acrylic, watercolor, stone, clay and so forth. Now there is such a thing a mixing medium that you add to paint for different reasons. For instance you can add a retardant to acrylic so it takes longer to dry giving you more time to manipulate the paint. You can add various mediums to watercolor-to add texture, to add luminosity, to make the paint more transparent without diluting it, etc. For oil you can add linseed oil, etc. So figure out what you want to achieve and then pick the medium based on the paint you are using.
answered May 31, 2013
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Medium means what are you using to create your art, whether it's watercolor, oil, acrylic, pastel, ink, charcoal, chalk, pen and ink, pencil, alabaster, soap stone, red clay etc.etc.

answered May 31, 2013